Thursday, January 25, 2007

Hall County, Georgia

From Jefferson’s of January 24, 2007
Hall man shoots, kills home intruder

A South Hall homeowner shot and killed a man who attempted to break into his home late last Sunday night.

The incident occurred on the 4000 block of Winder Highway.

The homeowner, who has been reported to be Doug Magnus, a businessman in South Hall, killed 37-year-old Robbie Bailey, who was disguised, armed and attempting to enter the house.

Magnus and his wife had heard a noise in the house shortly after midnight, whereupon Mr. Magnus grabbed a pistol and approached the sound.

A Hall County Sheriff’s Office press release states that Magnus was confronted at the door by Bailey, who was wearing a ski mask and brandishing a pistol.

Bailey fired several shots toward Magnus but missed. Magnus then fired his small-caliber pistol at Bailey and hit him in the head, killing him.

Magnus was not injured during the incident.

The HCSO statement reports that Bailey had no identification on him at the time of his death. Finger-print data revealed his identity.

Bailey had parked his red Jeep Cherokee in a nearby field, about a quarter-mile from the Magnus home and walked the rest of the way.

HCSO Major Jeff Strickland says that home invasions usually do not occur while residents are at home.

“Normally the home invasions occur after the intruder has made sure no one is there,” Strickland said.

The district attorney in Hall County has said he will not charge Magnus in the incident, seeing as how the homicide was in self-defense.

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