Friday, November 17, 2006

Dunn, North Carolina

From the Dunn Daily Record of November 16, 2006
Jury: Hines Not Guilty In Shooting

A Dunn man was found not guilty yesterday by a Harnett County Superior Court Jury in a controversial shooting.

Brad Hines, 33, was acquitted of a charge of assault with a deadly weapon with intent to kill and inflicting serious injury.

Mr. Hines was charged with the Aug. 1, 2005 shooting of Robert Surles, 43, of Dunn at Mr. Surles' auto body shop.

A service manager for Perry Brothers Tire Service, Mr. Hines testified he was attacked by Mr. Surles and an unknown, armed black male while attempting to collect a debt owed his employer.

Mr. Hines testified that Mr. Surles attacked him with a board and the other man drew a gun on him.

Mr. Hines said he pulled a handgun, for which he has a permit, and fired a single shot in self-defense, wounding Mr. Surles.

In an October 2005 hearing, District Court Judge Marcia Stewart found no probable cause for the charge against Mr. Hines.

But Senior Assistant District Attorney Peter Strickland decided to press on with the case and secured a grand jury indictment against Mr. Hines.

After the closing statements, Superior Court Judge Jim Ammons charged the jury and dismissed them to make a verdict.

The jury returned after about 10 minutes and a not guilty verdict was read by courtroom clerk Vivian Jackson.

Gun To Be Destroyed

After the verdict was read, Judge Ammons gave Mr. Hines some advice.

"Take that concealed weapon permit and turn it in to the Sheriff's Office - you don't need it," Judge Ammons said. "If the gun is returned to you, go sell it. You don't need it."

Mr. Strickland told Judge Ammons he wants the gun destroyed.

Judge Ammons convened a hearing to decide the matter.

"In a hearing before a judge, the weapon can either be returned to the defendant or I can order the firearm turned over to the sheriff and destroyed," Judge Ammons said.

Mr. Hayes defended Mr. Hines' right to keep his firearm.

"The court heard the evidence, Mr. Hines is in lawful possession and has a legal permit," Mr. Hayes said. "You're destroying a $600 to $800 gun which belongs to someone who has never committed a violent crime and you've heard testimony of his good character and reputation."

"We have heard the evidence and Mr. Hines took a firearm into a situation late at night where he knew it might be used," Mr. Strickland said. "The state is concerned a similar incident might happen again."

After hearing arguments from both sides, Judge Ammons ruled the firearm be turned over to Harnett County Sheriff Larry Rollins and destroyed.
You have a right to bear arms (unless you exercise the right)

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