Saturday, October 6, 2007

Newburgh, New York

From Middletown’s of October 6, 2007
Deli clerk thwarts robbery

A deli clerk is credited with averting a robbery in the City of Newburgh.

City Police said on Friday morning, October 5 at about 6:15 a.m., a man walked into the Star Grocery at 111 William Street, walked behind the counter and pointed a shotgun at the clerk.

The clerk grabbed the weapon, struggled with the would-be robber and pulled the shotgun away from him.

The suspect fled with another employee chasing after him. The robber got away and the employees called the police.

Police said that despite the heroism of the employees, they do not recommend that store clerks wrestle shotguns away from anyone committing a robbery. “This could have very easily been another homicide had the gun been loaded and gone off,” said Lt. Charles Broe, Sr.

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